Qatar National IPv6 Taskforce is a non-profit operational group established and being managed by the CRA to drive, facilitate, and propagate the IPv6 adoption in the State of Qatar. Qatar National IPv6 Taskforce consists of government entities, private sector enterprises, internet service providers, academic institutions, hosting service providers, security agencies, finance sector, aviation industry, and oil and gas industries. The Taskforce members are responsible and accountable to ensuring the readiness of the network for IPv6 rollout and guaranteeing a smooth implementation and enablement of the IPv6 in Qatar.



The primary role of Qatar National IPv6 Task Force is to advocate, educate, and promote the IPv6 in Qatar, by providing technical leadership, trainings, and bimonthly meetings to ensure that Qatar’s ICT ecosystem is ready for the transition to the IPv6.



As the transition to the IPv6 is aligned with the Qatar National Vision 2030, in addition to the support of Qatar 2022 World Cup, the Qatar IPv6 Taskforce aims to:

  • Manage and lead stakeholders to the optimum transition solutions to ensure the support of rapid economic growth and the ICT sustainability in Qatar,
  • Support and assist the stakeholders by providing the requisite knowledge and training to achieve the planned goals included in Qatar National IPv6 Strategy’s transition timeline,
  • Facilitate a smooth and wide transition to the IPv6 by developing phased structured transition plans to be followed by Qatar’s IPv6 Community.