This registration form is targeted to companies in Qatar supplying ICT products and services. The form allows businesses to join the list of ICT companies published by CRA.

CRA has initiated publishing the list of ICT companies in Qatar as part of its commitment to fostering a deeper understanding of the local ICT industry. It serves as a foundation for future development strategies and government initiatives aimed at bolstering the sector. Additionally, it acts as a valuable resource for market participants and potential investors seeking insights into the local ICT market landscape.

The form is designed to capture essential details regarding your business profile, activities, company contacts, as well as the types of products and services offered. Completing the form is estimated to take approximately 15 minutes of your valuable time. Please be aware that the information provided will be subject to CRA review before publication.

Should you have any queries or require further assistance during the process, please do not hesitate to reach out. We look forward to welcoming your company to the distinguished list of recognized ICT businesses in Qatar.

Access the form here
Contact Details
  • Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the form, please reach out to CRA at:
  • (+974) 4499 4164
  • (+974) 4499 6850