The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) reviewed and updated the CRA’s QoS Regulatory Framework, comprising QoS Regulatory Policy, Mandatory KPIs and Monitoring KPIs for both fixed and mobile services.
The proposed regulatory documents set out the measurement of QoS, as well as propose specific parameters for all telecommunications services in Qatar. The QoS Policy sets out the basis upon which the QoS offered by Service Providers in Qatar shall be measured and regulated. Its goal is to explain the policies, objectives and general approach concerning QoS in Qatar.
The QoS Regulatory Framework undertakes a holistic approach to QoS. It proposes a reviewed comprehensive set of QoS parameters (generally called Key Performance Indicators or KPIs) for all telecommunications services (fixed, mobile, satellite, passive, etc.) and their respective targets, measurement methods, reporting procedures and templates, compliance and enforcement procedures, etc. This consultation is supported by a thorough benchmarking analysis on regional and international best practices within QoS regulation.
The implementation of this comprehensive, modern and effective QoS regulatory regime will maximize the benefits to the public in the provision of telecommunications services in Qatar and will introduce a greater level of clarity, transparency and certainty with respect to QoS, policy focusing on consumers’ QoS experience and needs.
All stakeholders and interested parties are invited to review these documents and submit their comments and feedback to the CRA no later than February 6, 2020, via email at All comments received in response to this public consultation will be carefully reviewed and considered by the CRA during the finalization of these regulatory documents.