05 August 2017
Document Type Consultation

The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has reviewed the Spam Regulation published in December 2016 (you can check it via this link) and made amendments that align it more closely with the Data Privacy Law published by the Ministry of Transport & Communications (MOTC) in December 2016. The revised regulation is designed to reduce the number of complaints about spam and direct marketing lodged with Service Providers and CRA and enhance the overall experience of consumers in Qatar.

In line with CRA’s open and transparent regulatory processes, CRA has initiated a public consultation on the Draft Spam Regulation (Amended) and invites all stakeholders and interested parties to send their comments via email to CGA103@cra.gov.qa not later than October 01, 2017, or to deliver a hard copy of it to CRA’s headquarters, Consumer Affairs Department, 11th Floor, Al Nasr Tower B, Corniche Street, PO Box 23404, Doha, Qatar.