07 February 2009
Document Type Consultation

Consultation on VSAT Licensing Framework

This document addresses the provision and use of Very Small Aperture Terminal (“VSAT”) within Closed User Groups - which falls outside of public telecommunications services.  

This consultation document sets out ictQATAR’s understanding of the VSAT market in Qatar and its intentions for enabling competing VSAT service provision and outlines preliminary requirements and processes and the key terms of the draft VSAL License. In keeping with preceding mobile and fixed licensing preparation practices and other matters concerning the regulation of the sector, and in the interest of transparency, ictQATAR invites interested stakeholders to review this document and submit comments according to the procedures set out in Section 5 of this document.

Additionally, interested parties are invited to express their interest in obtaining a VSAT License. This invitation is on a non-committal basis at this stage of the process.