This is a consultation document on ictQATAR’s proposal for Telecommunications Billing Guides: Protecting Consumers from Unfair Billing Practices.
ictQATAR is authorized under Article (50) of the 2006 Telecommunications Law to set rules regulating Service Providers’ practices relating to the issuance of bills and retention of documents, instruments and papers concerning the provided services. The billing guidelines proposed in this document are intended to be broad principles, except where otherwise indicated, so as to allow the greatest flexibility for Service Providers to meet these minimum requirements in a manner that best suits their needs and those of their customers. These guidelines, once finalized, will be binding and apply to all telecommunications Service Providers.
All interested parties are encouraged to submit comments regarding any aspect of ictQATAR’s proposal for Telecommunications Billing Guidelines. ictQATAR will take into consideration all comments received but is under no obligation to adopt or implement any comments or proposals submitted.