In July 2007, ictQATAR published the Dominance Consultation Document I, which set out a list of proposed retail and wholesale markets and explained the approach followed by ictQATAR in defining markets and assessing market power and dominance.
Comments in response to this Dominance Consultation Document I were submitted and were taken into account when ictQATAR set out its conclusions in Dominance Consultation Document II and an accompanying Draft Notice and Orders II published in April 2008. With the award of the second mobile license in Qatar (Q2M) in December 2007 and the advent of awarding a second fixed license in Qatar (Q2F), ictQATAR conducted a further consultation on the designation of Dominant Service Providers in order to have a more complete perspective of the views of telecommunications market participants. Comments were submitted by AT&T, PCCW, Qtel and Vodafone and have been taken into account in this ‘final response’ document.
The comments submitted in these consultations confirmed the methodology and approach proposed and applied by ictQATAR in the Market Review Process and the designation of Dominant Service Providers was appropriate and sound. Nevertheless, prior to issuing this response, ictQATAR has revisited its review to ensure a complete and comprehensive market review and designation process. In doing so, ictQATAR has modified the proposed definition of wholesale markets in line with international benchmarks and best practice, and in light of specific market circumstances in Qatar.
Qtel and Vodafone's responses are also incorporated in the document.