15 July 2017
Document Type Consultation

The first version of the Class License for Short Range Devices (SRDs) was issued by ictQATAR’s Regulatory Authority (currently CRA)  in May 2010 stipulating the frequency ranges and the corresponding output powers allowed to be used for Short Range Devices (SRDs).

To be in line with international technology advancements, the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has decided to maintain and modify the Class License on September 21, 2014 in which the modification included an amendment to the Annexure (2) of the Class License for SRDs as well as additional applications of radio-communication devices that cover Radio Microphone applications, Radio Frequency Identification applications and Ultra-Wide Band Technology applications (can be checked via this link).

In this context, it was decided to revise and update the current Class License to include additional radiocommunication applications (like M2M) as well as further frequency ranges for some SRD categories.

The modified license will be open for consultation for a period of 30 days from the date of this notice. All stakeholders in Qatar are requested to respond to this consultation. Responses should be sent to type.approval@cra.gov.qa before August 16, 2017.