Document Type Consultation

Retail Tariff Instruction - Consultation

Under the Telecommunications Law and the By-Law, ictQATAR has specific objectives and powers to regulate and approve the tariffs of Dominant Service Providers (DSP) and Non-Dominant Service Providers.

This Retail Tariff Instruction outlines the general rules and the process for approval for all retail Tariffs. This Instruction applies to all Service Providers, offering Telecommunication Services to the Public, DSP and non-DSPs. This tariff instruction does not apply to services provided under a class license issued by ictQATAR. The objective of this document is to provide clarity to current and future SPs on all tariff related subjects.

The previous version of the Instruction was issued on 5 Nov 2009 under the title “Instruction on Tariff Approval and Notification Procedure Applicable to Promotions and Permanent offers”. Three years after market entry by Vodafone, and in light of the developments in the telecommunications markets, ictQATAR believes it is now necessary to consult on an up dated version of the Instruction.

Responses have to be submitted by the 17th of December 2012.