18 January 2009
Document Type Consultation

Summary of Comments - Telecommunications Billing Guidelines

ictQATAR received 68 responses to its public consultation regarding proposed guidelines for telecommunications billing practices. This document contains the statistical summary of all responses that were submitted using ictQATAR’s comment submission form which was in a questionnaire format. In addition to responses from a major international bank and petroleum company, the majority of responses were submitted by individuals. The 10 billing guidelines proposed in ictQATAR’s public consultation (ICTRA 04/08-PA) are intended to set minimum billing standards for Service Providers in Qatar so that customers of telecommunications services may be assured of receiving a standard level of fair billing practices.   The majority (95%) of all respondents agreed with the contents of ictQATAR’s billing guidelines as proposed. Approximately 2% (1.9%) disagreed with some aspects of the proposals. 2.5% were undecided about certain aspects of the proposals.