17 December 2012
Document Type Consultation

Regulatory Authority Standard Consultation Process

The Regulatory Authority of the Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology (ictQATAR) is seeking comments on its Draft Standard Consultation Process published today and which, when finalized, will be followed by the Regulatory Authority in conducting future public and industry consultations.

This consultation process sets out, step-by-step, the tasks that will be undertaken by the concerned parties inside and outside the Regulatory Authority to accomplish the development of key regulatory documents, including a transparent external consultation.

The primary objectives of this standard consultation process are:

  • to streamline and clarify the consultation procedures followed by the Regulatory Authority;
  • to set out clearly the role of the Regulatory Authority and the external stakeholders during the preparation of a consultation document and the consultation phase, with indicative timeframes; and
  • to accelerate the development of key regulatory documents (e.g., policies, guidelines, instructions) in an open and transparent manner.

All interested parties are invited to review this Draft Standard Consultation Process and provide their comments and views to the Regulatory Authority no later than 3:00 PM (local time in the State of Qatar) on 17th January 2013. Comments have to be submitted by email to: raconsultation@ict.gov.qa

All comments received in response to this public consultation will be carefully reviewed and considered by the Regulatory Authority during the finalization of the Standard Consultation Process.